Pullet Growing
A healthy pullet is the starting point for any successful and profitable flock, and Dutchland Farms has the experience, facilities, and capacity to raise productive cage and cage-free flocks of both white and brown birds, including cage-free pullets for organic production.
Our Pullet Growing Services team is comprised of service technicians to supervise pullet growing, administer custom vaccination programs, monitor feeding and lighting programs, conduct required salmonella enteritidis and bird movement testing, and perform regular flock service. Dutchland Farms is supported by a Quality Assurance Department, including a fully-staffed laboratory, that offers water testing along with other analyses to monitor bird health. Our Compliance Specialist helps ensure that all regulatory and certification requirements are met.
Efficient Scheduling and Facility Management
Pullet growing facilities include a variety of cage and cage-free barns to match any layer house. Our scheduling processes ensure that growing barns are optimally utilized and that all flock-related activities occur on a timely basis.
Capacity & Scheduling
Dutchland Farms Pullet Growing grows 8 million pullets a year by managing a network of pullet growing facilities located on over 50 independent family farms in Central Pennsylvania.
Using Data to Ensure Optimum Performance
Our extensive historical database of flock performance helps ensure that each flock is data-managed to its full potential. With more than 40 years of experience and expertise in growing pullets, supporting numerous types of production markets, and the capacity to grow almost any size flock, partnering with Dutchland Farms Pullet Growing Services is a winning, worry-free choice.
For more information about Dutchland Farms’ Products and Services, contact us.
Create a solid foundation and ensure a sound start for your flock with Dutchland Farms Pullet Services.