Nov 27, 2018 | Farm Management, Poultry Diseases
What You Need to Know about NPIP and Indemnity Going forward per USDA, farms enrolled in NPIP with a capacity of 75,000 or more birds at one time must have a biosecurity plan and audit following the NPIP Program Standards 14-point Biosecurity Principles Audit...
Dec 28, 2016 | Farm Management
Winter has arrived in Dutchland’s service area, and with the change in season, you may want to consider some changes in your chicken house. Winter provides a number of challenges from ventilation to feed conversion. Nutritionist Dr. Kevin Herkelman noted, “Birds...
Apr 14, 2016 | Farm Management, Poultry Diseases
Eric Gingerich, D.V.M. Technical Service Specialist, Poultry Since I wrote an article on this subject for The Wenger Group in 2008, a lot has changed in the prevalence and control of this disease. Colibacillosis or Escherichia coli (E. coli) infections in egg-type...
Mar 31, 2016 | Farm Management, Poultry Diseases
A new outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) confirmed in a commercial turkey farm in Indiana in January 2016 should serve as a warning to all livestock producers to remain vigilant with regard to their biosecurity procedures. In the near future, a sound...
Mar 31, 2016 | Farm Management
Water has many important functions in the body including temperature regulation, transport of nutrients, lubrication, transport of waste materials, and involvement in nearly all metabolic processes. A lack of water can decrease feed consumption, reduce growth rate,...
Mar 31, 2016 | Farm Management
We’ve all heard the old adage: “you are what you eat.” The same goes for the millions of cage layers in Dutchland’s service area. Stress combined with insufficient dietary calcium can lead to several issues, including Cage Layer Fatigue (CLF). CLF is a syndrome...